Mac Visual Code Studio Shortcut For Commenting Out

  1. Mac Visual Code Studio Shortcut For Comment Out
  2. Shortcuts For Visual Studio Code

In Visual Studio for Mac preferences, under Key Bindings section, you can choose the Scheme of key bindings. You can select the scheme from this list. You can select the scheme from this list. This post will be about the first one: “Visual Studio”. On Mac OS, the the shortcut Command+/ can be used to toggle comment state of the selected text. Yesterday, I was talking with one of the folks here and I learned something about Visual Studio. We were looking at some code and he selected a line, clicked a button, on the toolbar, and the line was commented out. I am having trouble coding in visual studios with my mac keyboard as some of the short cuts wouldn't work, notable the 'Go to Definition' which is set as F12. I tried to change the shortcut for this but somehow it doesn't identify any key I input using mac keyboard.

If you are using visual studio code, then the shortcuts documentation would be super useful to you. In order to find the shortcuts documentation for your installation, go to HELP > Keyboard shortcuts reference. It will open the shortcuts pdf for your installation.

Mac Visual Code Studio Shortcut For Commenting Out

Mac Visual Code Studio Shortcut For Comment Out

Mac visual code studio shortcut for commenting out in python

Shortcuts For Visual Studio Code

Hi, I couldn't repro your issue, however, here I'll leave you a possible cause and fix of your problem: When you configure shortcuts, you have the option to use the same shortcut with another function in differents environments inside the Visual Studio IDE, I mean, you can configure your JavaScript Console to add a comment when push 'Ctrl+/' but for your Unity Editor no, so 'Ctrl+/' does nothing there or has another performance. In order to make sure you have changed the indicated shortcuts, you should go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard -> Check the 'Edit.InsertComment' command -> -> 'Use new shortcut in:' and make sure that you are going to modify the correct shortcut -> Press Shortcut Keys -> Assign -> Ok. Does this help you?